Oh what a joyful day it is that we may rejoice of our risen King! Forget those egg hunts and chocolate everything, for the Savior has struck down death and sits at the right hand of God.
There is not much I don't like about Easter...the hymns, Holy Week services, and shouting "He is Risen" waiting for that "Indeed" response!! But on a more superficial level, I also love the pastels, sunshine, and new life bursting forth in springtime buds. It was a wonderful, sunny day as I celebrated Easter by volunteering at church for some of the services, had a lovely light ham lunch with my family, and relaxed with my mom as we watched the classic "Easter Parade" with Fred Astaire and Judy Garland.
My favorite depiction of the beautiful display of Christ's love through lyrics is the third verse from In Christ Alone:
There in the ground His body lay//Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious Day//Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory//Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine//Bought with the precious blood of Christ
Do you have any favorite hymns or Easter Sunday traditions?
Cheers on this sunny Sunday!

Wearing: Madewell embroidered blouse (old), J Crew double serge pencil skirt [similar], J Crew glitter wedges, J Crew necklace [similar]
And let it be known that I am a difficult one to capture on camera...I'm usually too busy telling a story to stop for a picture. Hence, I get a lot of snaps in "halfway to a word" pose. It's cute, I know.
Ok, fine. Let's take one last look at these sparkly gems...don't they sorta make you want to giggle and draw outside of the lines of your coloring book--just a little bit?
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