Baseball and Ball Caps

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

There is something so simple yet delightful about baseball.  Yeah, American pass-time and all...but more than even watching the game, the sound of a game (MLB or little league) has a way of taking you to a state of pure relaxation where you can soak up the simplicity of whacking a little stitched lump of leather with a long, shaped piece of wood...or metal :)

Also, the man at Costco was entirely thrilled with my choice of  ball cap and inquired as to what the insignia symbolizes...I had to let him down easy and confess that all it was built up to be was a bunch of wonderful swirls.  However, I like to think it is the scroll-y monogram of a monarch from the late 1700s hailing from France. That just seems appropriate, right?

Cheers to my fellow Euro-monarchy history-loving readers,

Wearing: JCrew jeweled-collar blouse [similar], Crewcuts boys' rolled-collar crew (old), Gap chinos, Michael Kors sneaks, JCrew ball cap, Madewell Arrowstack necklace, JCrew brompton bag (old)

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