Six years ago, I gained my very first brother. Having grown up in a family of all girls, this was a big deal.
Although my sister and brother-in-law have never lived in close proximity to me, I have been so blessed by both of them and their relationship. Whether across the country or in another country all together, these two still manage to encourage, support, and engage in my life. By setting an example of a Christ-centered marriage, I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to witness their love for one another as they work together to serve The Lord.
Happy anniversary, you two!! May God bless you with many more years to come and continue to guide you and your family in His glorious way.
Let's all just admire what a beautiful bride my sissy was, eh?! And what a good looking tie! :)
Let's all just admire what a beautiful bride my sissy was, eh?! And what a good looking tie! :)
Enjoy another year together, you crazy, fun, hockey-loving Canadians!! Mucho love from your little sis
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